Pie unveils cardiac software

Imaging firm Pie Medical Imaging is using the venue of the PCR London Valves meeting, being held from 16 to 18 October, to release its CAAS A-Valve software.

The software facilitates analysis of the aortic root by creating a 3D reconstruction from two aortographic x-ray images. Based on this reconstruction, an optimal projection is calculated to assist in selection of the C-arm projection for an optimal view of the aortic root and coronary cusps. This projection shows all cusps in the perpendicular and in the posterior, right, and left orientations.

The company said that the new software allows 3D measurements of the ascending aorta, the sinotubular junction, and the sinus of valsalva. Additionally, the diameter of the basal plane and the ostia heights in relation to the basal plane can be measured.

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