John Slavotinek becomes new RANZCR president

Dr. John Slavotinek.Dr. John Slavotinek.The Royal College of Australian and New Zealand Radiologists (RANZCR) has named Dr. John Slavotinek as its new president.

Slavotinek is an Adelaide-based clinical professor with more than 30 years of experience as a consultant radiologist and works day-to-day as campus clinical head at Repat Health Precinct and at Flinders Medical Centre within South Australia (SA) Medical Imaging.

He started his RANZCR involvement as the SA College branch secretary before progressing to SA Branch chair for 12 years and then served in national roles, including chief censor and dean of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology.

He will serve as president for two years and replaces clinical professor Sanjay Jeganathan, who is taking on a new role as chair of the Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges, RANZCR said.

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