Matakina will participate in EU breast cancer research

Breast density software developer Matakina International has revealed its Volpara breast density measurement software will be used in the European Union's Adapting Breast Cancer Screening Strategy Using Personalized Risk Estimation (ASSURE) research project.

ASSURE will use a database of 80,000 screening mammograms and associated risk profiles to build a model of breast cancer risk and the risk of missing cancers, according to Matakina. The project hopes to develop technology to provide better screening options -- such as adjunctive ultrasound or MRI -- for intermediate and high-risk women based on personalized risk factors.

ASSURE members include: Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, MeVis Medical Solutions, Biomediq, Mediri, Fraunhofer MEVIS, the University of Manchester, the University of Girona, the University Medical Centre Utrecht, and the Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels. Dr. Nico Karssemeijer of Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre is coordinator of the ASSURE project.

Matakina said it would highlight its role in ASSURE, as well as the use of Volpara, in a number of large clinical trials and national breast cancer screening programs at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) in Vienna in March.

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