Healthcare Informatics Insider

Dear Healthcare Informatics Insider,

If security of medical images isn't on your mind these days, it should be. Hacking activity is on the rise and unprotected DICOM servers may represent a real risk for unaware institutions.

In research presented at ECR 2015 in Vienna, Oleg Pianykh, PhD, of Harvard Medical School found that more than 700 DICOM servers worldwide were open to outside DICOM communications and could potentially be used to steal patient data. Click here for the sobering details.

In other articles this month in your Healthcare Informatics Community, Stephen Holloway of market research and consulting firm IHS takes a look at trends in adoption of enterprise IT.

Radiation dose monitoring was a big topic at ECR 2015. While dose tracking software can yield many benefits, it's important to be aware of some key issues to yield meaningful evaluation and optimization of patient dose, according to Dara Murphy of Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin, Dublin.

Also, learn about the success of Cork University Hospital in Ireland and Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf in Germany in their radiation dose monitoring initiatives by clicking here.

Efforts to implement clinical decision support in Europe will get a big boost from ESR iGuide, which was officially launched at ECR 2015. Get all the information on this collaboration between the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the National Decision Support Company by visiting here.

In other coverage from ECR 2015, staff writer Frances Rylands-Monk takes a look at joint efforts of the ESR and the Radiological Society of North America to facilitate adoption of structured reporting.

If you have any tips or suggestions for topics you'd like to see covered in the Healthcare Informatics Community, please feel free to drop me a line.

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