Healthcare Informatics Insider

Dear Healthcare Informatics Insider,

The prestigious U.K. Royal College of Radiologists' (RCR) FRCR examination remains very popular across the world, particularly in Asia and the Middle East. If you are preparing for the Final FRCR (Part A) Exam or just looking to refresh your imaging knowledge, the British Institute of Radiology has a new mobile app for you.

Called Imaging Single Best Answer, the new iOS and Android app provides 450 peer-reviewed questions, answers, and explanations, encompassing all imaging modalities and body systems. Learn all about it in our Mobile App Spotlight.

In another article posted today in our Healthcare Informatics Community, Dr. Neelam Dugar delves into detail on HL7 order response messages (ORM) in her latest column. Customers need to be aware of the importance of these ORM, which are used to transmit electronic requests and scheduling information between ordercomms, PACS, and RIS, according to Dugar, who has extensive recent experience of PACS replacement.

The 100th RSNA meeting will get underway this weekend in Chicago, and contributing writer Anthony Stevens, PhD, of Medical Options in London explains how the digital transition has affected the radiology landscape over the last three decades.

It can be hard to find the time during the workday to exercise, but some Norwegian radiologists are seeking to stay active by placing treadmills in the reading room. Learn more about their experiences in our article by Associate Editor Frances Rylands-Monk here.

German radiologists recently judged a centralized DICOM exchange system to be feasible for handling image transfers in trauma cases. Find out the details by clicking here.

Also, the RCR has released new guidance that calls for all RIS software to have a package that enables peer feedback on reports in a time-efficient manner. What else are they recommending? Click here for our coverage by Editor-in-Chief Philip Ward.

If you have any tips or suggestions for topics you'd like to see covered in the Healthcare Informatics Community, please feel free to drop me a line.

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