MRI Insider

Dear MRI Insider,

When it comes to prostate MRI, often there is wide variability among radiologists. The prostate is complex and small, and this means image quality is crucial. Also, prostate cancer varies considerably in its aggressiveness, and the organ has components that can mimic tumor. Benign conditions may obscure tumors and make them difficult to find.

Radiologists from Barcelona, Spain, have shared their experiences in this area, and they received a cum laude award at ECR 2023 for their efforts. Get the full story in today's article.

Downhill biking is particularly popular in mountainous areas where ski lifts can be used to access trails, but horrendous injuries can be incurred. Santa Chiara's Hospital has become a treatment hub for trauma patients in the northern Italian province of Trentino, and a team from there has written about the use of MRI in these cases.

It's vital to recognize the features of gynecological diseases with malignant transformation, according to work that received a magna cum laude award at ECR 2023. The authors illustrated how advanced MRI techniques can make the difference in challenging cases of benign gynecological diseases.

Another study that caught our attention this month is about the use of MRI in the follow-up of brain cancer patients. New Dutch research deserves a close look.

Safety remains a hot topic in MRI. Prof. Louise Rainford, of University College Dublin, has shared her views in a recent column. She is chair of the Research Hub Committee of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies, so her opinion is worth listening to.

This letter has highlighted just a few of the many reports posted in the MRI Community over the past few weeks. Please scroll through the full list below, and feel free to contact me if you have ideas for future coverage.

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