MRI Insider

Dear MRI Insider,

When it comes to breast MRI, does a clinical decision algorithm outweigh reader experience?

A highly respected research group from Vienna has addressed this important question in a study published on 19 July. The results and discussion are well worth a close look, and you can do so in a report posted today.

New developments in breast MRI also figured prominently at last week's ECR. The acclaimed MRI researcher Prof. Dr. Christiane Kuhl provided a roundup of what caught her eye at the congress in Vienna.

Gadolinium retention in the brain might have slipped down the news agenda during the COVID-19 pandemic, but radiologists must continue to pay attention to this issue, according to Prof. Dr. Alexander Radbruch from Bonn, Germany. You can hear his latest thoughts on this subject in a video interview recorded at ECR 2022.

Women's football has come under the spotlight this month with the Euros 2022 tournament. We've got an article about MRI's role in shining a light on the range of injuries incurred by professional players.

In this letter, we've highlighted only a selection of the numerous reports posted in the MRI Community. Please scroll through the full list below, and feel free to contact me if you have ideas for future coverage.

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