How to maximize safety in MRI | CT highlights risks of vaping | New AI study from Utrecht

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The recent reports of the two MRI accidents in Sweden have underlined the urgent need for continual awareness and vigilance over MRI safety, as well as sound training and education. The modality has been in clinical use for more than four decades, so it's all too easy to take safety for granted. However, doing so can have severe consequences.

Titti Owman, a recognized expert on safety and an experienced MR radiographer from Lund in Sweden, has strong views on the topic, and she's shared them in a column posted today. You'll find it in the MRI Community.

The world finally seems to be waking up to the health risks of vaping. Details have emerged this week about a case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis in a 16-year-old boy. Initially doctors thought the condition was caused by worsening asthma, but it turns out the likely trigger was an exaggerated immune response to one of the chemicals found in electronic cigarette fluid. Go to our CT Community.

Many of you enjoyed last month's special feature about the development a novel artificial intelligence infrastructure at the Utrecht University Medical Center in the Netherlands. Now we've got a follow-up article about the same institution's use of a deep learning-based method for automatic segmentation of subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, and psoas muscle.

Increased intracranial pressure in newborns and infants requires both quick and accurate diagnosis and rapid and efficient treatment, but this represents a challenge. German researchers have found that shear-wave elastography has a clinical role in these cases.

Also in the Ultrasound Community, Norwegian investigators have examined whether treatment outcomes in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis can be improved by targeting imaging remission. They found that ultrasound failed in this regard.

On a more positive note, last Friday's International Day of Radiology was celebrated around the globe. Find out how in our report.

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