More details on 2nd MRI accident in Sweden | German radiographers top burnout poll | Staff numbers in interventional radiology

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Everybody in Sweden hoped the recent MRI accident in Sunderby Hospital in Luleå was a freak one-time episode, but that does not appear to be the case.

Reports have appeared in the Swedish press this week about a second MRI accident. This incident was much less serious than what happened in Luleå, but the consequences could have been much worse. The episode led to the shutdown of the scanner and a hefty bill for the hospital. Don't miss today's report in the MRI Community.

Stress levels among German radiographers are particularly high, it seems. A survey carried out in May and June 2019 of 254 radiographers and imaging directors in the U.S., France, Germany, and the U.K. produced some surprising results. The findings suggest that urgent action must be taken to reduce burnout.

Image-guided interventional procedures continue to gain popularity, so there is bound to be great interest in the U.K. Royal College of Radiologists' 22-page document about service provision, particularly staffing and workforce aspects. This report contains a wealth of practical and timely information, and, best of all, you can download it for free.

Next up we've got an article from the recent European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology annual congress in Antwerp, Belgium, about a novel study conducted at a leading U.K. medical imaging facility. A group from Cambridge University Hospitals National Health Service Foundation Trust found that coronary artery calcification (CAC) is a frequent incidental finding in middle-aged adults undergoing chest CT, with more than 25% of CAC patients having moderate to severe disease.

Also in the news is breast screening in Belgium. BMC Cancer has published novel information about the Flemish screening program. Head over to the Women's Imaging Community.

Finally, our sister company IMV has published its inaugural "2019 Global Imaging Market Outlook Report." It focuses on all the main modalities and covers 10 key country and geographical markets in North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, China, Japan, India, the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.

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