Radiographers & CT colonography; heart transplants; structured reporting

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

CT colonography (CTC) training for radiographers is a relatively new phenomenon, but it is gathering pace. The CT Colonography School in Norway caters for both radiographers and radiologists; they do the whole course together, including theory-based lectures, cases, and practical training, and the school is attracting participants from across Scandinavia.

Four hands-on CTC courses for radiographers are being organized by St. Mark's Hospital in London in 2012, and its September and December week-long courses are already full.

But a Dutch study presented at this month's European Congress of Radiology (ECR) casts doubt on the cost-effectiveness of radiographers' contribution in this area. To read more, visit our CT Digital Community or click here.

MRI is great for evaluating cardiac transplant patients, but don't forget CT, warn Italian researchers. CT can provide useful inforation on end-diastolic volumes, end-systolic volumes, stroke volumes, cardiac output, and mass, and can be used for left ventricular assessment. Get the story here.

Belgian radiologists are showing the way when it comes to structured reporting, it seems. Led by Dr. Jan M. L. Bosmans, PhD, from Ghent, several radiologists have discussed the perceived benefits of these reports, as well as their concerns. Go to our Healthcare Informatics Digital Community or click here.

The potential future role of MR diffusion-weighted imaging and breast cancer management is attracting growing attention. European Radiology has just published an important article on this topic by authors from Turin, Italy. To find out more, click here.

The judges presented only six Magna Cum Laude awards to electronic poster exhibitors at ECR 2012. One of these prize winners was about peritoneal carcinomatosis, and you can read about it here.

Using computer-aided detection (CAD) as a preliminary reader in screening mammography can help to halve radiologists' workload, according to researchers from Jerusalem, who revealed their findings at ECR 2012. Visit our Advanced Visualization Digital Community or click here.

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