Molecular Insider

Dear Molecular Imaging Insider,

The annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 2020) opened on 22 October, and it wraps up on Friday. The organizers were extremely keen to build on EANM 2019 in Barcelona, which attracted nearly 7,000 delegates. And even though an onsite meeting in Vienna proved impossible in the end, they've delivered an impressive and engaging virtual meeting.

As part of our news coverage, we've posted two articles today. The first features new data and clinical images from the Mayo Clinic in Arizona about PET/CT of neuroendocrine tumors. It speaks volumes about EANM 2020 that researchers from this prestigious U.S. facility chose the congress to share its experiences.

Our second piece is from the opening day's plenary session about total-body PET. We've focused on the visionary talk about dynamic PET given by Prof. Irène Buvat, from the Curie Institute and France's national institute of health and medical research, INSERM. You won't want to miss this report on the clinical promise of dynamic PET.

Away from EANM 2020, a research team from University Medical Center Essen in Germany has elaborated on how a PET-based optical imaging technique called Cerenkov luminescence imaging can confirm the presence of cancer cells after prostate cancer surgery.

A Japanese group has used PET to provide a new way to diagnose hypoxia in tumors. It demonstrated that signs of tumor hypoxia can be spotted among the gamma rays collected routinely during a PET scan, providing clinicians with extra information to guide treatment decisions.

Meanwhile, investigators have revealed that Compton imaging -- originally developed by astronomers for detecting gamma-ray sources -- is now also under investigation for clinical imaging. In particular, a high-performance Compton camera may prove invaluable for applications within nuclear medicine and molecular imaging.

This newsletter highlights only a few of the reports posted recently in the Molecular Imaging Community. For the full list, see the lineup below.

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