Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

Eliminating errors remains a top priority in digital x-ray, but it's no simple task. For instance, despite the widespread knowledge of chest x-ray review areas, most missed thoracic nodules occur in traditional review zones, largely because the many overlying structures make them difficult to analyze.

Over the past five years, radiologists at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, U.K., have built up an impressive database of 561 errors, 103 of which are related to the use of x-ray. They presented their findings at RSNA 2012. To find out more, visit your Digital X-Ray Community, or click here.

Is it time to ditch the chest x-ray? That was the topical question addressed by Norwegian researchers at RSNA 2012, and you can read their analysis by clicking here.

Market analysts report that demand for modern digital x-ray systems remains strong, and wireless flat-panel detector technology in mobile x-ray is driving continued growth. The ability to place panels directly under or around critically ill patients at the bedside without having to move them provides significant workflow gains and improves care. To learn more, go to our market predictions for Europe in 2013.

French artist Marc Ferrante is making novel use of x-rays in his latest project, called "Jeux de Mains," or "Hand Plays." He has worked with a wide range of people, from radiologists, radiographers, and surgeons to puppeteers, marionettists, and dancers. To see his amazing creations, click here.

Soon after the discovery of x-rays, Portuguese pioneers played a vital role in the development of medical imaging. The two key names are those of Egas Moniz (1874-1955) and Reynaldo dos Santos (1880-1970). Get the story here.

To find many more stories, go to the Digital X-Ray Community, and make sure you check back regularly. Happy holidays from everybody at

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