Week in Review: Swiss show the way on dose | Tribunal suspends doctor twice | JFR 2024 looms large

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Let's be honest, clinical audits don't exactly set the pulse racing, but most people accept they're a necessity nowadays.

A Swiss team has elaborated on how they've implemented a carefully conceived national program of audits to monitor and enhance radiation protection. Check out this week's top story.

Very few medical doctors get suspended twice during their careers, but that's what happened to Dr. Keith Wolverson. A tribunal found him guilty of working while he was already serving a ban for misconduct.

Have you heard of restriction spectrum imaging? This novel diffusion-weighted MRI technique uses the mathematically distinct behavior of water diffusion in separable microscopic tissue compartments to highlight key aspects of the tissue microarchitecture with high conspicuity, according to Dr. Ryan Brunsing, director of MRI at Stanford, California. Read more about the technique here.

Microplastics have been found in the lungs, large and small intestines, liver, placenta, semen, and bloodstream, but not in the human brain, according to researchers from Berlin. They've detected microplastics in olfactory bulb brain tissues of eight deceased individuals in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Another publication from Germany that deserves a close look is a German Roentgen Society (DRG) interview with Dr. Julian Caspers of University Hospital Düsseldorf about the future prospects of radiology AI.

France's national radiology congress, JFR 2024, is approaching fast. As part of our coverage of Europe's second biggest medical imaging meeting, we'll be posting a series of video interviews with some of the leading participants. Watch out for these interviews over the next few days.

Philip Ward
Editor in Chief

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