What's the status of breast screening in France?

2022 08 23 14 06 9384 Patient Mammography Breast Back 400

To mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month ("Pink October"), French radiologists with IMEF (Imagerie Médicale de l’Est Francilien) have expressed concern that the participation rate in breast cancer screening has plateaued over recent years.

According to the group, 80% of screening exams are currently conducted by private radiologists and national coverage is only just over 50%.

"Despite their efforts and those of the various stakeholders, the participation rate in breast cancer screening has plateaued for several years between 49 and 53% depending on the region (50.6% national average in 2021)," said radiologist and IMEF manager Dr. Ruxandra Cosson in a news release.

The release highlighted several initiatives of the IMEF group (part of the VIDI network) to increase the rate of breast cancer screening, including completely re-equipping its Livry-Gargan site with the latest generation of imaging equipment.

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