Week in Review: MRI proves value in heatstroke | Reporting of prostate MRI scans | Injuries from downhill biking

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Rising summer temperatures across Europe mean that heatstroke is an increasing problem, but how can imaging help?

Radiologists from Hospital Clínic de Barcelona have looked closely at the 98 cases they've encountered over the past 12 years and analyzed the MRI characteristics of central nervous system involvement in heatstroke. Get the full story in the MRI Community.

When it comes to prostate MRI, often there is wide variability among radiologists. The prostate is complex and small, and this means image quality is crucial. Also, prostate cancer varies considerably in its aggressiveness, and the organ has components that can mimic tumor. Benign conditions may obscure tumors and make them difficult to find.

Another group from the same Barcelona facility has shared its experiences in this area, and the team received a cum laude award at ECR 2023 for this work on prostate MRI.

Downhill biking is particularly popular in mountainous areas where ski lifts can be used to access trails, but horrendous injuries can be incurred. Santa Chiara's Hospital has become a treatment hub for trauma patients in the northern Italian province of Trentino, and a team from there has written about the use of MRI in these cases.

Cancer-associated cachexia manifests as a loss of body weight, specifically of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, and it is a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Researchers from a top London hospital have studied this condition. Learn more in the CT Community.

Finally, Portuguese investigators have found that PET/CT is superior to bone scintigraphy for detecting bone metastases in women with invasive breast cancer and should be the technique of choice to stage these patients. Find out more in the Molecular Imaging Community.

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