Week in Review: Radiologist gives viewpoint on COVID-19 | Our top 10 articles for 2020 | Karolinska team unveils breast AI results

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Has the medical imaging community given sufficient attention to important moral issues during the pandemic? Perhaps not, according to interventional radiologist Dr. Chris Hammond.

In a carefully crafted column, he presents a personal viewpoint about the need for a more philosophical approach to how each one of us sees the serious crisis facing humanity. As the year draws to a close, his thought-provoking article is worth a read in the CT Community.

It's no great surprise that imaging of COVID-19 has dominated radiology's news agenda throughout 2020. Since March, we've been struck by our readers' seemingly insatiable appetite for new information about the pandemic, and this is reflected in the composition of our list of top 10 articles for 2020.

The deeply rooted problems that plagued the Karolinska in Stockholm accounted for two of our top stories in 2019, but thankfully we're ending this year on a more positive note. Researchers from the world-famous institution have found that a breast cancer risk assessment model based on artificial intelligence outperformed traditional risk assessment tools. Find out more in the Artificial Intelligence Community.

Minimum intensity projection (MinIP) is a visualization tool that facilitates detection of low-density structures in a given volume on CT scans. It produces a single bidimensional image by using all the data in a volume of interest. German scientists are convinced that MinIP reconstructions have an important role to play in suspected COVID-19 cases. Learn how in our Advanced Visualization Community.

Last but not least, important new statistics from the U.K. have shed light on the scale of missed scans and the backlog of exams caused by the pandemic. No doubt a similar situation exists across Europe and beyond. Hopefully radiology will receive adequate resources to address this issue head-on in the difficult months ahead.

On behalf of the entire AuntMinnieEurope.com team, I wish you all the very best for the holidays. We look forward to bringing you the news that matters in 2021.

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