EBR to offer new locations for European Diploma in Radiology

2020 03 11 17 15 4785 Test Exam Pencil 400

The European Board of Radiology (EBR) has announced that it will continue to offer e-exams at specific locations around the world for the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR) over the coming months.

The exams will be administered by the EBR's technical and scientific staff. The board has already organized online e-exams in cities in Belgium, France, Italy, Malta, Poland, and Sweden. Future e-exams will be held in Argentina, India, and the United Arab Emirates. Other potential sites are Poland and Russia.

"The EBR has been adapting to the ever-changing circumstances and evaluating different scenarios to bring the EDiR examination closer than ever," the organization stated.

The EBR is also working to establish online exams that students can take at home. More information is available on the group's website.

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