Screening costs come under scrutiny | Maverinck responds to rebuttal | Radiology business intelligence takes root

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

A host of recent studies have set out to compare the pros and cons of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) and digital mammography for screening, but very few researchers have looked specifically at the financial aspects.

Norwegian investigators have tried to fill this void by scrutinizing the costs of screening nearly 30,000 women using these two techniques. Go to the Women's Imaging Community.

Many of you have been following our coverage of the controversy surrounding the construction of the New Karolinska. After last week's rebuttal by Dr. Juhana Hakumäki, PhD, the managing director for imaging and physiology at Karolinska University Hospital, the Maverinck has written a second column on this topic.

Radiology business intelligence is quite well established in the U.S., but it's now starting to grow in Europe too. Analyst Ulrik Kristensen, PhD, describes the factors driving the adoption of this technology and the significant regional differences across the continent. Visit the Artificial Intelligence Community.

Meanwhile, diffusion-weighted imaging continues to generate widespread attention. In advance of the upcoming annual meeting of the European Society of Breast Imaging, Dr. Julia Camps-Herrero speaks about the development and validation of diffusion MRI as an imaging biomarker and the potential applications of diffusion-weighted MRI.

Next we have news from Down Under, where researchers have created a model for simulating cerebral aneurysm repair. Their model involved combining various generic and patient-specific 3D-printed anatomical parts, including individually printed models of the skull, skin, brain, meninges, cranial nerves, and vasculature. Head over to the Advanced Visualization Community.

Finally, don't miss a new interactive musculoskeletal case report from our editorial advisory board member Dr. Philippa Tyler and her colleagues at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in the U.K.

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