Radiology chief at Karolinska issues rebuttal | Get serious about the placenta | Support grows for prostate MRI

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Many thousands of you read last week's Maverinck column about the Karolinska. Today we've posted a rebuttal from the managing director for imaging and physiology at the Karolinska University Hospital.

In serious medical circles, taking a keen interest in the placenta used to be seen as a bit alternative -- maybe even "hippyish." Times have changed. Now there's a widely held view in obstetrics and gynecology that the placenta is an essential organ, revealing much about a pregnancy and the health of the mother and baby.

Against this background, it's vital for radiologists to get up to speed on the placenta, says a top French specialist. Go to the Women's Imaging Community.

Meanwhile, U.K. researchers have found that prebiopsy MRI combined with targeted biopsy is associated with improved detection of clinically significant prostate cancer and reduced numbers of biopsy cores per procedure, while potentially avoiding unnecessary biopsies. Full details are in the MRI Community.

Accurate estimates of bone age in young people can be of great value in forensic work, as well as asylum seekers and athletes playing in junior tournaments. An Austrian group has made effective use of artificial intelligence (AI) in this area. Find out exactly how in our news report in the Artificial Intelligence Community.

Computer-aided detection software has often performed poorly because it was tasked with interpreting images in human-like fashion but lacked the abstract senses utilized by the brain. With machine-learning systems, however, computers can classify lesions in a manner analogous to humans, according to Brazilian authors in European Radiology Experimental. They've published positive results for characterizing solid breast masses on B-mode ultrasound images using computerized BI-RADS radiomics features.

Spanish researchers have been keeping busy too. A team from Valencia has developed a technique for 3D printing holographic lenses that focus ultrasonic sound waves in the brain.

Last but not least, we have an intriguing story from the U.K. about how doctors found a patient's false teeth lodged in his throat eight days after surgery.

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