German groups create radiology education guidelines

After five years of debate, the German Medical Conference 2018 has passed a new set of guidelines on the training and education of radiologists, particularly in neuro and pediatric radiology.

The guidelines include the following:

  • A five-year training period in radiology with a competency-based, completely revised continuing education curriculum
  • The opportunity to receive training in another subject of immediate patient care for up to one year
  • The preservation of the priorities of neuro and pediatric radiology, with two years of continuing education now required

The new (Muster-) Weiterbildungsordnung (MWBO) guidelines are the creation of the German Roentgen Society, Professional Association of Radiologists, German Society of Neuroradiology, Association of German Neuroradiologists, Society of Pediatric Radiology, and German Society of Interventional Radiology and Minimally Invasive Therapy.

One goal of the guidelines is to maintain the priorities of neuro and pediatric radiology, which have been a focus of individual regional medical associations. The next step is for these regional medical associations to develop state- and chamber-specific continuing education regulations. In the past, the local organizations generally have followed the requirements of the MWBO. Until then, previous state medical chamber-specific continuing education regulations remain in effect.

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