African nations ponder nuclear energy

Several countries in Africa are considering an investment in nuclear energy, which could have a positive residual effect on the world's supply of medical isotopes.

According to a December 17 report published online by CapitalBusiness, Kenya and Zambia are among the countries exploring "peaceful nuclear energy" to supply much-needed electricity. Russia's state-owned nuclear agency, Rosatom, already has a cooperation agreement with Kenya for nuclear applications for peaceful purposes.

The article quotes Rosatom executive Dmitry Shornikov as saying that areas of cooperation with Kenya could include the production and use of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine. The Russian agency is already helping in the design and development of Kenya's nuclear energy infrastructure.

Rosatom is also working to create a Center for Nuclear Science and Technology (CNST) in Zambia that will provide various applications of radiation and nuclear technologies in medicine, industry, and agriculture, according to the article.

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