France moves ahead on AI | Radiomics as a bridge to personalized medicine | When to use prostate MRI

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The French national congress of radiology, JFR 2018, wrapped up on Monday, and not surprisingly, artificial intelligence (AI) dominated the meeting in Paris.

An important AI collaboration between radiology and industry was unveiled. We've conducted an exclusive interview with one of the key players in the project, Dr. Jean-Philippe Masson. Find out more in our Imaging Informatics Community, or by clicking here. And to read about Le Grand Challenge, or Data Challenge JFR, organized by the Societé Française de Radiologie, click here.

Radiomics is fast becoming the bridge between medical imaging and personalized medicine. Ongoing research shows it enables data to be extracted and applied within clinical decision-support systems to boost diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive accuracy, JFR 2018 delegates learned. Get the full story here.

The French Society of Urologists is expected to publish a guideline soon about the indications for prostate MRI. It's likely to state that MRI should be the first examination in all cases, before biopsy is performed. This topic came under scrutiny at JFR 2018. Dr. Olivier Rouvière gave an overview of recent research studies and their implications, while other experts presented their views. Go to the MRI Community, or click here.

The increasing risk of litigation is a problem across Europe but particularly in the U.K., where pressures on radiology are immense. Dr. Oliver Hulson, an interventional radiologist from Leeds, has just published extensive statistics in this area. His analysis is most revealing. To find out more, click here.

Finally, a recent article in the Lancet concludes that deep-learning algorithms can be a useful adjunct for identification of acute head CT findings in a trauma setting. For instance, an automated head CT scan triage system may be valuable for queue management in a busy trauma unit or could facilitate decision-making in remote locations, the authors noted. Visit the CT Community, or click here.

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