Parizel quits Europe | Maverinck speaks out on AI | Trainees voice concern on work safety

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Europe's loss is Australia's gain. Dr. Paul M. Parizel, PhD, president of ECR 2017, is relocating to Perth at the end of this year, and it's safe to say European radiology will miss his vision, intellect, and political acumen.

Given the Australian government's substantial recent investments in healthcare and the life sciences, it's no surprise that talented individuals like Parizel are being attracted by lucrative contracts and a high quality of life. The challenge for Europeans, though, is to ensure we retain the best people in the face of global competition. Go to the MRI Community, or click here to read more.

Has artificial intelligence (AI) been overhyped? Yes, is the clear answer given by the Maverinck, who is never one to jump on a bandwagon. In a thought-provoking new column, he questions how original and novel AI really is, and explains why the medical imaging community needs to tread carefully. Visit the Imaging Informatics Community, or click here.

The findings of an intriguing survey about European radiology trainees' opinions were revealed earlier this month. The research highlights a disturbing level of dissatisfaction among respondents, particularly when it comes to work safety, mobility, and the quality of training schemes. Get the full story here.

Postmortem imaging continues to generate considerable interest. A group from the prestigious Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, has published a positive study in Radiology this week, and it's worth a close look. Head to the CT Community, or click here.

In spite of technological advances, some women still experience pain or discomfort from compression in mammography, and this may cause them to skip an examination. French researchers have investigated the issue and believe they've found a solution. To learn more, click here.

Meanwhile, authors from the U.K. and Kuwait think PACS software developers still need to address limitations that can affect user experience. After analyzing posts in online discussion groups over two years, they noted that unresolved issues include storage, the number of windows on PACS workstations, and integrating PACS from different vendors. Click here for the details.

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