Global nuclear medicine groups chart the future

A weeklong meeting of nuclear medicine societies and organizations from around the world resulted in a number of recommendations to advance priorities that include training and education.

The meeting was hosted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria, in mid-July, and participants discussed the importance of partnership and collaboration on a broad consensus to increase the influence of nuclear medicine in the management of major health conditions. They also addressed the varying standards of nuclear medicine training and education throughout the world.

"There is a need to facilitate the training of professionals involved in the practice of nuclear medicine, so they can stay up to date with the novel applications and technologies and, thereby, better serve their patients," noted Diana Paez, head of the nuclear medicine and diagnostic imaging section of the IAEA's division of human health, in a statement. "There are so many new developments coming to the field, therefore, we have to provide lifelong education plans."

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