Neri: Radiographers can't replace radiologists | Why AI's Wild West needs a sheriff | Swiss unveil new secrets on ancient Egypt

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The debate over role extension among radiographers has intensified over the past week, and well-known and respected Italian radiologist Dr. Emanuele Neri has now contributed to the discussion.

He's convinced that radiographers and radiologists have very different skills and qualities, and rather than conducting studies proving that radiographers can read images as well as radiologists, he thinks the differences between the two groups must be recognized and they need to work together more effectively. Read his opinion piece here.

Neri's article was prompted by the strong reaction of U.K. radiographers to the suggestion by another Italian radiologist that radiographers must not read chest x-rays. Click here for the full story.

To cut through the hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and the false claims being made about AI, there's an urgent need to restore balance and order, according to Dr. Daniel Sodickson, president of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). He believes ISMRM has a role to play here. Go to the MRI Community, or click here.

A Swiss-led team has published new research this week about antiquities of ancient Egypt. Which modality performed best in their investigations of four jars used to store mummified body parts? Find out more in the CT Community, or by clicking here.

X-ray remains the gold standard for assessing arthritic joints, but it cannot detect tiny alterations in the space between joint bones. That's where 3D-reconstructed CT scans can be a massive help, as a group from Cambridge, U.K., has shown. Visit our Advanced Visualization Community, or click here.

The global imaging community is still on a steep learning curve about the optimum clinical use of PET/MRI. An important study was published earlier this month in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine about the FDG dose in breast cancer patients. Learn more in the Molecular Imaging Community, or click here.

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