Report: U.K. breast cancer incidence to rise

The number of cases of invasive breast cancer among U.K. women will increase by an annual growth rate of 0.91%, according to market research and consulting firm GlobalData.

The firm predicts breast cancer incidence in the country to rise from 53,000 cases in 2015 to nearly 58,000 cases in 2025. Approximately 1 out of every 8 women is diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.K., meaning approximately 56,000 women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis in 2018, according to the U.K. National Health Service (NHS).

Women ages 50 to 70 who are registered with an NHS general practitioner are automatically invited for breast cancer screening every three years.

U.K. breast cancer incidence
Year No. of cases
2015 53,000
2017 54,000
2019 55,000
2021 56,000
2023 57,000
2025 58,000

"There is a large amount of evidence showing that breast cancer mammographic screening is effective in reducing disease mortality by at least 20% in women ages 50 years and older," said Bishal Bhandari, PhD, a pharma analyst at GlobalData. "The organization of nationwide mammography screenings has improved survival, as breast cancer is detected at an earlier stage."

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