JVC Kenwood aids Turkish Radiological Society

Display firm JVC Kenwood provided eight MS55i2 Plus grayscale displays and eight units of CCL550i2 multimodality monitors for a recent workshop held by the Turkish Radiological Society to view mammography tomosynthesis breast images.

The Turkish Radiological Society regularly conducts workshops and training sessions for its members, including its National Breast Imaging Symposium, where the monitors were used. The event featured more than 50 mammographic specialists and highlighted the tomosynthesis for breast imaging.

JVC Kenwood's 21.3-inch MS55i2 Plus monitor is designed for mammography and tomosynthesis with enhanced luminance and visual contrast resolution. The CCL550i2 is a multimodality mammography display with a resolution of 5 megapixels and a color screen diagonal of 21.3 inches to better view the female breast.

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