Report: Metal detector at Indian MRI room 'not functional'

The metal detector designed to prevent the introduction of metal objects into the MRI suite where an Indian man was killed was "not functional," according to a new report on the incident published by the Hindustan Times.

What's more, the MRI suite had piped oxygen flowing into the room -- meaning it wasn't necessary for Rajesh Maru to carry an oxygen cylinder into the room as he accompanied his mother-in-law for her scan. Maru was killed when the cylinder was pulled into the room and damaged; authorities believe the leaking tank caused him to sustain a fatal pneumothorax.

Officials with Brihanmumbai Municipal have been investigating the incident, according to the article. They found that Indian hospitals had implemented a three-layer screening process to prevent the introduction of metal objects into MRI rooms after a 2014 incident that also involved an oxygen tank being sucked into an MRI suite.

The screening process includes the use of metal detectors at the entrance to all MRI rooms, but the detector at BYL Nair Hospital in Mumbai "wasn't functioning," according to a municipal official. The room is also outfitted with an oxygen supply via nonmetallic pipe connections in case patients need it, which obviates the need to bring an oxygen tank into the room.

There is also debate over whether Maru brought the tank into the room on his own or whether he was instructed to do so by hospital staff. Initial reports indicated that he was told to carry the cylinder inside, but hospital staff members say that video footage of the incident shows that he may have picked up the tank voluntarily.

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