Imaging Informatics Insider

Dear Imaging Informatics Insider,

Peer review of radiologist performance can be difficult to implement in a fair and objective manner. In Moscow, that challenge has been successfully addressed, however, by a remote regional radiology quality assurance system, according to a new column on

The system, which has been in place for over a year, has yielded marked decreases in the percentage of cases with significant or insignificant discrepancies, reported Drs. Ekaterina Guseva, PhD; Natalya Ledikhova; and Sergey Morozov, PhD, of the Research and Practice Center of Medical Radiology in Moscow.

How did they accomplish this improvement in radiologist performance? Click here for all of the details.

European radiologists need to start caring more about artificial intelligence (AI), according to another article authored by Dr. Morozov -- this time in collaboration with Dr. Erik Ranschaert, PhD. Although widespread implementation of AI into the clinical workflow is currently limited by a number of important factors, recent legislation will facilitate the development of clinically justified AI algorithms over the next couple of years. The sooner radiologists embrace AI, the more they will be able to guide creation of these algorithms, according to Morozov and Ranschaert. Click here to learn more.

It's been five months since the WannaCry cyberattack inflicted significant damage on one-fifth of U.K. hospitals and many other healthcare providers across Europe. More powerful cyberattacks are expected in the future, however, and cybersecurity represents a ticking time bomb for European radiology, according to a new column by Stephen Holloway of Signify Research. Click here to learn how vendors and providers should be focusing their cybersecurity efforts.

Radiologists need to be proactive when their institution is planning a PACS replacement, according to Dr. Rizwan Malik of the Bolton National Health Service Foundation Trust in the U.K. In a presentation at the recent Royal College of Radiologists annual scientific meeting, Malik suggested, for example, that radiologists communicate directly with suppliers in person. Click here for more of Malik's tips and guidance.

If you have any tips or suggestions for topics you'd like to see covered in the Imaging Informatics Community, please feel free to drop me a line.

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