Strickland on missed cancer | Why PET/MRI is like champagne | How clean is your mobile phone?

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

When Dr. Nicola Strickland speaks, most people take notice. But when she speaks about missed cancer, the entire audience pays attention and listens to every word.

This was evident at last week's U.K. Royal College of Radiologists' annual meeting, when she tackled the thorny issue of the medicolegal aspects of missed cancer. What exactly did she have to say? Go to the CT Community, or click here.

Nearly 500 years separate the origins of champagne and integrated PET/MRI, but they've got a great deal in common, write Thomas Beyer, PhD, and Dr. Vicky Goh. You won't want to miss their thought-provoking guest column, which contains some impressive clinical images. Visit the Molecular Imaging Community, or click here.

Disinfecting a mobile phone is quick and simple, but new Irish research suggests that relatively few staff members in imaging departments perform this important task on a regular basis. Now might be a good time to issue a polite reminder to your colleagues. Get the full story here.

Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) continues to make progress in the clinical arena. New research from Spain has looked at how synthetic 2D images from DBT can assist lesion detectability and BI-RADS lesion categorization. The group compared this technology with full-field digital mammography. Learn about their findings in the Women's Imaging Community, or by clicking here.

The congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO 2017) took place in Madrid earlier this month, and we have a news report about a French study of lung cancer follow-up. Click here to find out more.

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