RöKo 2017 attendance remains stable

The number of attendees at last month's German Radiology Congress (Deutscher Röntgenkongress, RöKo 2017) in Leipzig was stable compared with the 2016 meeting.

Overall, 6,673 participants traveled to Leipzig for RöKo 2017, down 1.1% from the 6,752 who attended the 2016 congress.

Attendance figures for RöKo 2017
Participants Attendance number
Physicians 3,099
Radiographers/radiographer students 1,469
Other students 345
Industry 1,389
Press 61
Other 310
Total 6,673

The German Radiological Society (DRG) said that a recent survey found that the majority of participants had an extremely positive review of the congress. RöKo will be held in Leipzig through 2020, according to the DRG.

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