EU nationals' anxiety over Brexit | Calls for formal training on dose | Tributes to M. Emilia Silvestre

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The U.K. decision to leave the European Union (EU) is bound to have huge implications for all medical specialties, but particularly for radiology. To fill vacant posts, the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has actively recruited staff at ECR 2015 and 2016, and around 280 radiologists from other EU countries now work in the U.K.

We've interviewed two of these radiologists, and understandably they feel very anxious about the future. Also, we've spoken with top officials from the RCR who are doing their utmost to provide reassurance. For our exclusive report, click here.

Radiation dose may be less of an issue in Europe these days due a concerted plan of action, but it remains an urgent priority throughout the Middle East. Researchers from Saudi Arabia presented their findings at the recent U.K. Radiological Congress in Liverpool and highlighted the lack of knowledge among medical staff. They called for more rigorous training on radiation protection. Go to AuntMinnie Middle East, or click here.

Former ECR president Dr. M. Emilia Silvestre died on 18 June. In addition to being a great ambassador for Portuguese radiology, she spread joy with her dedication to patchwork quilting. Get the details here.

Across the Atlantic, German presenters made a big impression at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging meeting with their research on Alzheimer's disease. Their images are stunning, and well worth a close look. You can do so in the Molecular Imaging Community, or by clicking here.

Finally, a special debate at the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology 35 conference in Turin, Italy, shed much-needed light on the pros and cons of MR-guided radiotherapy. Learn more in our MRI Community, or by clicking here.

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