McCoubrie on generalists vs. specialists | How best to use PET/CT | News from RoeKo 2016

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Should radiologists be generalists or subspecialists? This has been a recurring theme over recent years. There's no easy answer, but columnist Dr. Paul McCoubrie is convinced generalists have a more varied and stimulating working life. Click here to read his entertaining article.

It's well known that PET/CT has clinical applications and can add value, particularly in more complex oncology cases, but the major dilemma is when exactly to make use of it. This can be a big headache.

Help is now on hand. A practical 34-page report from respected U.K. authors provides a comprehensive guide to exactly when you really need PET/CT. And best of all, it can be downloaded free of charge. Go to our Molecular Imaging Community, or click here.

The use of whole-body CT in trauma cases was a hot issue at the 97th German Radiology Congress (Deutscher Röntgenkongress, RöKo 2016), which drew to a close over the weekend in Leipzig. Experts from Berlin described their experiences. Learn more in our CT Community, or click here.

Breast CT's screening potential also came under the microscope at RöKo 2016. Compared with mammography, the method is more comfortable for women, and some promising results are being obtained. Visit the Women's Imaging Community, or click here.

Meanwhile, new risk-based requirements for teleradiology offer much greater potential for avoiding failures and risks, which is good news for patients, physicians, and healthcare institutions, according to Austrian and German researchers. Get the story here.

The popularity of women's football continues to rise. Our editorial advisory board member Dr. Anagha Parkar has developed an interesting case report about a young player who had previously undergone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and suffered an injury while playing. Test yourself here.

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