IBA forecasts revenue, earnings growth

Proton therapy technology developer Ion Beam Applications (IBA) is projecting a double-digit increase in revenue when the company releases its 2015 financial report next month.

IBA estimates that 2015 revenues will reach approximately 270 million euros ($300.7 million U.S.), up more than 20% from the 220.6 million euros ($245.7 million U.S.) recorded in 2014. Recurring earnings before interest and taxes (REBIT) in 2015 will be more than 20% higher than the 22.9 million euros ($25.5 million U.S.) posted in 2014, according to the firm.

The company also anticipates reporting a record for orders in 2015 and a backlog of approximately 330 million euros ($367.6 million U.S.) in proton therapy and other accelerators at the end of 2015, compared with a backlog of 256.2 million euros ($285.4 million U.S.) at the end of 2014.

This year also looks promising, according to IBA, with expected revenue growth of more than 20% in 2016. The forecast is based on the anticipated continued development of the proton therapy market, as well as the company's economies of scale from an enhanced production rate and its investment in research and development, IBA said.

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