St. Jude launches new OCT system

Cardiac technology developer St. Jude Medical has launched its Optis Mobile system in Japan and Europe. The diagnostic system couples optical coherence tomography (OCT) and angiography coregistration with fractional flow reserve (FFR) technology into one portable system for hospitals with multiple catheterization labs, St. Jude said.

Optis gives physicians a way to optimize percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures for the treatment of vascular disease by combining diagnostic tools into one portable device, the firm said. The system gives patients an alternative to open-heart surgery with the goal of improving patient outcomes, shortening hospital stays, and reducing hospital costs.

The Optis Mobile system helps physicians make stenting decisions using high-resolution and 3D OCT views of coronary anatomy while simultaneously mapping their exact location via angiography. It also integrates St. Jude's PressureWire FFR measurement technology, which provides detailed coronary hemodynamic information during PCI, the company said.

A multicenter clinical trial is currently underway to further develop the body of clinical evidence supporting OCT technology in relation to first-generation imaging tools, St. Jude Medical said.

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