New row over MRI waiting times; speech recognition errors; ultrasound CAD advances

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The French healthcare system is widely regarded as one of the best in Europe, if not the world, but when it comes to access to MRI, the country languishes near the bottom of most performance tables. Not only is there a serious shortage of MRI machines, but also huge regional variations exist in terms of waiting times.

This keenly contested issue has resurfaced, following publication of the latest statistics. We've interviewed two senior French radiologists, and they've got some fierce criticism of the status quo. Go to our MRI Community, or click here.

Speech recognition can have a positive impact on radiology workflow and productivity, but the technology isn't perfect and it can introduce a fairly large proportion of errors. A U.K. audit has focused on the most common types of errors and also looked at the modality reports in which they tend to arise. Get the story here.

A new study published in the European Journal of Radiology has shown that ultrasound combined with computer-aided detection (CAD) can help identify malignant thyroid nodules based primarily on the presence and patterns of calcifications. Visit the Advanced Visualization Digital Community, or click here.

Our Greek editorial advisor, Dr. Elias Brountzos from Athens, has collaborated with Dr. Maria Tsitskari to develop the Case of the Week about a 45-year-old man who presents with pruritus and elevated levels of bilirubin. To test yourself, click here.

One of our most popular articles over the past month was about the outsourcing debate at the U.K. Radiological Congress (UKRC). During the 20-plus years I've covered UKRC, I haven't attended a more exciting, edgy session. Don't miss feedback from Dr. Robin Evans, medical director of Radiology Reporting Online, posted today below the article. Please do keep the debate flowing by adding your own comments.

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