Germany's e-health bill gathers momentum

The German Radiology Society (DRG) has announced its support for the federal government's draft e-health bill.

The draft bill covers telemedicine and requires a second expert opinion. One function of the Röntgenverordnung (Radiology Ordinance [RöV]) is to regulate exchanges of image data. There are already teleradiology networks in operation in many places, and these are used both for second opinions and emergency care outside core working hours for hospitals, the DRG said.

With the introduction of a secure communications standard (DICOM-Mail), the society has laid the technical foundation for data traffic. In cooperation with Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Deutschland (IHE-D), the professional body is currently working on a teleradiology standard that will be independent of manufacturers. The DRG is working with the government to clarify detailed issues related to the draft bill.

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