Digital X-Ray Insider

Dear Digital X-Ray Insider,

Everybody makes mistakes, of course, but the error rate for dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) examinations appears to be particularly high, judged on an eye-catching new study from Milan.

More than 90% of DEXA procedures contain errors, and adoption of guidelines from the International Society for Clinical Densitometry is very poor, researchers have found. Read more in the Digital X-Ray Community, or click here.

Awareness of missed diagnoses in cases of suspected wrist fracture also is vital. The complexity of the wrist, with many different-shaped bones that can superimpose on each other, can create real challenges for plain radiography. To learn more, click here.

The RSNA 2014 congress is approaching fast, and to mark the event's centenary, a Dutch medical physicist, Arie van 't Riet, PhD, has created some stunning artistic "nature scenes" by taking x-rays of animals and plants. His artwork will be on display at Chicago, but you can get a sneak peak by clicking here.

If patients ask you what their findings mean, you should tell them the x-ray is just one small piece in the puzzle, and their doctor has the other pieces and knows which therapy may be suitable. That's the advice of veteran radiologist Dr. Leonard Berlin, who gave a fascinating talk on communication with patients during the recent Management in Radiology congress. Click here to get the details.

Pediatric dose remains an issue of major concern, and the German Radiological Society working party on pediatric radiology organized a session about this topic at the annual meeting of the German Society for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Get the story here.

To read a full list of our articles, see below or go to the Digital X-Ray Community. Also, make sure you check back regularly to read the latest coverage.

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