ESR underlines need for urgent action on dose

The European Society of Radiology's EuroSafe Imaging campaign has reissued a Europe-wide Call for Action to support the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s Bonn Call for Action.

The EuroSafe Imaging Call for Action has goals, including:

  • Promoting appropriateness in imaging
  • Keeping radiation doses within diagnostic reference levels
  • Using the as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) principle
  • Encouraging the use of up-to-date equipment
  • Empowering patients and joining forces with other stakeholders

"This initiative is necessary, but also is very timely, because we are now facing, worldwide, a challenge to deal with the potential risks of radiation in healthcare without compromising the benefits, and this is the reason why I think it is very appropriate that this initiative is taken by the professionals; the radiologists," said Dr. Maria Del Rosario Perez from the WHO.

The EuroSafe Imaging campaign is designed to bring radiation exposure from imaging exams to the forefront and the need to keep doses as low as possible.

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