Berlin's high-field MR meeting adds coil design workshop

A precongress workshop has been added to the 5th Scientific Symposium on Clinical Needs, Research Promises, and Technical Solutions in Ultrahigh Field Magnetic Resonance, which is scheduled to take place on 20 June in Berlin.

The workshop on radiofrequency (RF) coil design will run from 17-19 June, and will focus on the design and building of radiofrequency coils. It is held, like the high-field MR symposium that follows it, under the auspices of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB).

The workshop offers an overview of design construction and testing of RF coils for both animal and human scanners, according to the organizers. Practical sessions will cover about half the course, during which participants will learn to build surface coils and volume resonators to suit their own needs.

Designed for engineers, the course is also appropriate for clinicians, radiographers, applications specialists, and other MR users interested in learning more about RF coil technology. More information is available here.

Both events will be held at the Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.).

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