IBA completes deal with University Hospital of Essen

Radiopharmaceutical provider Ion Beam Applications (IBA) has divested its ownership interest in a proton therapy center at the University Hospital of Essen (UK Essen).

The move finalizes IBA's transfer of the proton therapy center in Essen from Striba Protonentherapiezentrum, the 50/50 joint venture between IBA and Strabag, the contracted supplier of the center.

IBA no longer has exposure to any further disputes based on the old contractual structure and provisions now that the transfer of the center has been finalized, the company said.

In addition, a long-term operations and maintenance contract has been signed between IBA and the UK Essen, as well as agreed compensation for past operations and maintenance services rendered by IBA in 2013, according to the vendor.

No additional profit and loss effects beyond what was stated in the company's 2013 first half earnings release are expected in 2013 or in the 2014 IBA full year financial statements, other than recurring revenues for the service agreement, the company added.

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