Adrian Dixon on CVs; new ESR president's plans; MRI conflict resurfaces

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

When Dr. Adrian Dixon speaks, people generally listen. He's not only an excellent presenter and teacher, but also he's held in the highest regard by the medical imaging community in Europe and beyond.

This week we've posted an interview article with him about the contents and presentation of CVs. It was conducted by one of our editorial advisers, Dr. Christiane Nyhsen. As ever, Dr. Dixon has some practical advice and suggestions. Click here to read more.

Dr. Lorenzo Bonomo became the new president of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) this week. The outgoing president, Dr. Guy Frija, will be a hard act to follow, but Dr. Bonomo has some bold plans and ideas of his own. You can find out more here.

Let's be honest, honorary lectures at large congresses can be pretty dull and tepid affairs. But that was definitely not the case on Sunday at ECR 2014, when Dr. Morton Meyers spoke about the early days of MRI -- and in particular whether Dr. Raymond Damadian should have received a Nobel Prize in 2003 for inventing MRI along with Paul Lauterbur, PhD, and Sir Peter Mansfield, PhD. The atmosphere was tense, and the reaction was explosive. You can read more here.

An important change contained in the fifth edition of the BI-RADS atlas is the uncoupling of the assessment category and management recommendation, according to presenters at an ECR 2014 session. To learn more, click here.

ECR drew to a close on Monday, and for our comprehensive news coverage from the congress, make sure you read our RADCast @ ECR. I'm sure you'll agree that there is a mine of great information to be found there.

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