ECR 2014: Conflict over MRI discovery; PET/CT and primary tumors; whole-body MRI

VIENNA - The unusually mild temperatures and clear skies in Vienna over the past few days must have tempted some ECR 2014 delegates to skip the less urgent sessions, but there was no indication this happened. The busy corridors and healthy attendance in most rooms of the Austria Center suggest that very few attendees got sidetracked.

Our team of six editors has been keeping busy, too, as you'll see by the comprehensive coverage in our RADCast @ ECR.

ECR 2014 has been a well-organized and successful meeting, and please make some time to check out our news stories from the conference. Although the conference ended this afternoon, we're continuing to post new material.

And don't miss our new feature this year -- a series of seven short videos on a range of topics:

Be sure to check out these videos, news stories, and more in our RADCast, available at We hope you enjoy the coverage as much as we have enjoyed putting it together.

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