Russia's ECR approaches; why ethics matter; photon-counting mammography

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

The Winter Olympics, which starts on Friday, is not the only global event that looms large for Russia. Next month's ECR in Vienna won't attract the media frenzy that's already underway in Sochi, but it promises to be a significant meeting for the country's radiologists and radiographers.

We've interviewed Dr. Valentin Sinitsyn, president of ECR 2014, about what the meeting will mean for his country. Click here to read more.

Surely every medical doctor would agree that ethics are central to the success of their daily practice, but the issue only rarely crops up in radiological circles. This concerns Dr. Peter Rinck, who is very keen to promote discussion of the topic. Learn more in his latest column by clicking here.

When researchers from Europe receive a star billing with the honor of an embargoed online release by the U.S. journal Radiology, it's safe to assume that the study must be important. A team from the University Hospital Muenster, Germany, was given just this accolade yesterday. Find out more in our Women's Imaging Digital Community, or click here.

Authors from the U.K. have also published new research findings in Radiology. A group from the world-famous London cancer hospital, the Royal Marsden, found that whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI showed the spread of myeloma throughout the bone marrow better than conventional tests. Visit our MRI Digital Community, or click here.

Meanwhile, Italian researchers have discovered that the combination of 256-detector-row CT and iterative reconstruction can reduce dose significantly, even in hard-to-evaluate coronary artery bypass grafts. Get the story here.

Finally, I wanted to inform you about a change in how our website operates. Since our launch at ECR 2011, you've been able to access articles without logging in. Going forward, we will be asking our members to log in to read an article, so make sure you keep your username and password handy for all your various devices. Membership remains free of charge, however.

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