Misonix supports Uganda spine project

Therapeutic ultrasound developer Misonix said it is supporting the Uganda Spine Surgery Mission by providing equipment for the expanding project.

Founded in 2006, the Uganda Spine Surgery Mission aims to provide high-quality care to Ugandan patients suffering from infectious, degenerative, traumatic, and congenital spinal ailments, Misonix said. Many patients have suffered from severe deformities for years, and the spine surgeries, performed by an international team of surgeons and nurses each year, are life-changing for patients with few options for comprehensive medical care.

This year's mission was held in August at the Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, where the group screened 120 patients, many with severe deformities, ultimately operating on 12 patients.

The Misonix BoneScalpel performs tissue-selective bone dissection that supports en-bloc bone removal and refined osteotomies while sparing elastic soft-tissue structures such as important nerves and arteries, according to the company.

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