Philips completes cardiac installation in Russia

Royal Philips, parent company of Philips Healthcare, and the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex have partnered on a state-of-the-art hybrid operating room (OR) in Russia.

The hybrid OR, the first of its kind in Russia, features advanced live image guidance for minimally invasive cardiovascular and endovascular procedures, according to the vendor.

The OR at the Federal Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex is equipped with Philips' interventional tools, such as its Allura Xper FD20 system with FlexMove and its HeartNavigator navigation tool, to aid minimally invasive procedures such as for stenoses or aneurysms in arteries or veins, and minimally invasive heart valve replacement (transcatheter aortic valve implantation [TAVI]).

HeartNavigator merges preoperatively acquired 3D CT scans of the patient's heart with live interventional x-ray views to see the detailed 3D anatomy of the patient's heart together with the positioning of the catheter and the placement and deployment of the artificial valve.

After the opening ceremony for the new hybrid OR today, TAVI and endovascular aneurysm repair will be performed and webcast live in both Russian and English.

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