Jena prepares to host international pediatric meeting

The German Society for Pediatric Radiology (GPR) will hold its 50th annual meeting 26-28 September in Jena.

Specialists in radiology, pediatrics, neuroradiology, nuclear medicine, and cardiology, mainly from Germany and other European countries, are expected at the meeting, which will focus on training opportunities and scientific exchange, according to the organizers.

Topics will focus on pediatric neuroradiology, including new MR techniques, fetal MRI, and epilepsy; pediatric uroradiology, including functional MR urography and contrast-enhanced ultrasound; and pediatric skeletal radiology, including whole-body MRI and soft-tissue tumors, according to organizers.

A full-day technologist training session will involve live demonstrations of MRI, CT dose optimization, and conventional radiography. More information is available at the conference website.

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