Catch 'em young: Radiology pitches to school kids

2013 06 20 11 15 20 13 Student With Beaker

Never work with children or animals, comedian W.C. Fields declared. But the organizers of last week's U.K. Radiological Congress (UKRC) chose to ignore the former, when they opened the doors to dozens of teenagers from Liverpool on the final day of the meeting.

The aim of the UKRC's first schools' event was to introduce the students to radiology and show them the many positive uses and benefits of medical imaging, according to Matt Dunn from the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, who helped run the initiative.'s history columnist, Dr. Adrian Thomas and Liz Beckmann, former president of the British Institute of Radiology, were among those who demonstrated the equipment and explained about the basics of each modality.

Pupils and teachers from Upton Hall School, a Roman Catholic grammar school on the Wirral Peninsula for girls between the ages of 11 and 18, were among the participants. We interviewed Mark O'Donoghue, the head of science at Upton Hall, along with several of the students who attended the event. In this video, Matt Dunn asked the questions.

Click the image below to find out more. Peter Greggs, Joe Campbell, and Lettie Pattinson produced and edited this video.

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