The 'science' at scientific meetings; new CT protocol optimizes alerts; MRI & dementia

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Have scientific meetings such as the ECR become primarily teaching, social, and commercial gatherings? Has hard science -- defined as the study of the natural world: astronomy, earth sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics -- fallen by the wayside? The Maverinck seems to think so. Do you agree with him?

ECR 2013 may have taken place a few weeks ago, but is still unpacking the most intriguing stories. For instance, Belgian researchers have developed a new method designed to reduce the number of clinically irrelevant radiation dose alerts produced by commercial radiation dose-monitoring software. They believe their method may reduce workload, offer information regarding workflow, and maintain patient safety. Find out how.

Two stories in our MRI Digital Community are also worth a look. In the first, Japanese researchers received a Magna Cum Laude award at ECR 2013 for their study on dementia. Theirs is thought to be the first-ever study directly comparing postmortem neuromelanin MR imaging and neuropathological findings in elderly patients.

In the second, German researchers found that diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI-MRI) could be used to differentiate between ocular melanoma and retinal detachment, a diagnostic task that's often been a challenge due to retinal effusion. Discover how the radiologists utilized DWI-MRI to overcome that challenge and how it can help direct the appropriate proton beam therapy for patients.

The U.S. is often deemed the land of start-ups -- the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well -- but don't discount Europe, according to an article by staff writer Cynthia Keen. Europe has well-established technology and healthcare ecosystems, and some of the largest medical device and pharmaceutical companies have their global headquarters in Europe. Many of Europe's most prestigious universities also have well-established technology-transfer divisions, which have attracted the interest of local venture capitalists in the fields of biotechnology products and medical devices. Read more here, or visit the Healthcare Informatics Community.

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