Row erupts over ESR fees; RSNA news; art & x-ray

Dear AuntMinnieEurope Member,

Protest can spread fast on the Internet. An Austrian researcher started an online petition last week to urge the European Society of Radiology (ESR) to waive registration fees for all presenters. More than 200 supporters reportedly joined his campaign within the first two days, and 309 people have now signed the petition.

Eager to preserve its good reputation, the ESR has issued a formal response. Read about it here.

Radiologists must become more visible and closely involved in their patients' problems, the RSNA 2012 president told attendees in Chicago at Sunday's opening ceremony. He had four key recommendations for creating a patient-centered practice. Get them here.

European presenters have been making the news at the RSNA meeting. German researchers found that PET/MRI outperforms diffusion-weighted MRI for detecting lymph node metastases in the staging of head and neck cancer patients. Go to our Molecular Imaging Community, or click here.

Also, a Belgian team has demonstrated that ultralow-dose CT is as good as a frontal chest x-ray in terms of dose and gives an accurate diagnosis in pediatric cystic fibrosis patients. Visit our CT Digital Community, or click here.

Personalized medicine is another hot topic at the RSNA, but what exactly does it mean? The Maverinck investigates in his latest column. Click here to find out more.

French artist Marc Ferrante is making novel use of medical images in his latest work, called "Jeux de Mains," or Hand Plays. He has worked with a wide range of people on the project, from radiologists, radiographers, and surgeons to puppeteers, marionettists, and dancers. To see his amazing creations, go to our Digital X-Ray Community, or click here.

The RSNA congress continues until Friday, so check back to our home page for further updates. Alternatively, visit the RADCast @ RSNA of our sister site,

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